Monday, September 18, 2017

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat Tentang Hari Kartini

Berpidato menggunakan bahasa ingrris merupakan salah satu contoh berpidato yang sangat menantang, karena kita semua jarang atau bahkan tidak pernah mendengar pidato dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris.

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat

Pada kesempatan ini saya akan membagikan contoh pidato bahasa inggris singkat tentang peringatan hari kartini, pidato ini dapat anda jadikan referensi dalam membuat naskah pidato dalam bahasa inggris.

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat

Berikut ini merupakan contoh pidato bahasa inggris singkat tentang hari kartini yang dapat anda gunakan sebagai salah satu referensi sebelum anda berpidato

Bagian pembuka pidato bahasa inggris :

Assalamu'alaikum warah matullahi wabarokatuh,

Distinguished attendees

Let us pray and praise the thanksgiving of allah almighty allah for the grace we are still given the health to be gathered in this important event on this sunny day.

I would like to thank all of you who can be present in this morning's event, i would like to express my gratitude to the staff, employees and gubernut who have attended this very important event in commemorating the kartini day.

Bagian isi pidato bahasa inggris :

Kartini day is one of the most important days because thanks to the struggle of mother kartini, all women can be lifted up and equiped with women because of ra kartini struggle. To commemorate the struggle of ra kartini made a special day commemorating the struggle of ra kartini which is commemorated on 21 april.

Each day is specially commemorated as a commemoration of the kartini day. For all women, the commemoration of the kartini day commemorated by using traditional indonesian traditional clothes is kebaya.

With the commemoration of the day kartini provide a role model for all of us women to always work hard without complaints because women are equivalent to men who can work and can take care of the household.

Bagian penutup pidato bahasa inggris :

So many speeches that i can say if there are words that are wrong and less pleased i apologize for the amount of

Wassalamualaikum warah matullahi wabarokatuh.